All residents have the right to peaceful enjoyment of their surroundings. Living in an apartment requires consideration of others, especially where noise is concerned. Residents and their guests are expected to extend common courtesy to their neighbors.
Most noise complaints result from boisterous behavior or loud stereo systems (including vehicle stereos). If you encounter noise problems, we suggest that you notify CADA of the problem so that we may contact the responsible resident. Often residents do not realize how clearly sound travels and the issue is quickly resolved. Please contact the local police if you are experiencing a serious problem after our regular office hours. Also notify the leasing office the following business day with the apartment number of the offending resident and the details surrounding the complaint. If you are creating a noise disturbance, please be advised that repeated noise complaints may result in warning and possible termination of your lease if the problem continues.
Sidewalks, entrances, hallways, breezeways, and elevators may not be blocked or used for any purpose other than entering or existing the building. Children are not permitted to loiter or play on stairways, in elevators, or in hallways. Nothing may be thrown out of windows or doors or from balconies or patios.
You are responsible for the actions and damages of your children and guests, which enter our property, whether you are aware of their actions or not. Police will be called during any domestic disturbance, followed by notification from the leasing office of a lease violation.
During business hours (8:30-4:30 pm):
Call CADA’s Administrative Office at (916) 322-2114 for:
- Concern/complaint about a neighbor
- Questions about your rent, or bill received
- Questions/concerns about a violation notice received
- Complaint about CADA’s customer service
- To request a tow from a CADA parking space
- Any other concerns, questions, or complaints
Call your Resident Services Representative (RSR) at the number posted at each building for:
- Questions about a project at your apartment or building (if there is no contact listed on the flier)
- Questions about upcoming Health Fire and Safety inspection
After business hours (evenings and weekends):
Emergency: Call 911!
For noise and nuisance, suspicious person, escort to car or apartment call the CADA Courtesy Patrol, Lyon’s at (916) 208-5612