Our awards speak for themselves.
Architecture & Urban Design
- 2013 Sacramento Valley Section of the American Planning Association Local Vision Award for the R Street Corridor planning and development
- 2001 Sacramento Art Deco Society Preservation Award for Preserving the Av-Corda Apartment Building
- 2001 Sacramento Old City Association Architectural Award for the Fremont Building at 1501 16th Street
- The American Institute of Architects, California Council and the Great Valley Center Award of Excellence for the Capitol Park Neighborhood Design Plan
- 1997 Urban Design Honor Award for the Capitol Park Neighborhood Design Plan
- 1996 SOCA Architectural Award for Mixed Use/Adaptive Re-use for 1329 O Street
- 1990 Sacramento Old City Association Architectural Award for Greentree Apartments at 14th and O Streets
- 1990 Sacramento Old City Association Architectural Award for Auslender Apartments Development
Smart Growth & Planning
- 2013 Regional Transit District’s Agency of the Year Award for Being a Champion of Public Transit
- 2009 Sacramento Valley APA Statewide Section Distinguished Leadership Award
- 2009 Sacramento Valley APA Local Section Distinguished Leadership Award
- 2004 SACOG’s first Blueprint Excellence Award for Exemplary Use of Smart Growth Principles while Creating Infill Housing and Transit Oriented Communities
- 1998 Sacramento Valley Section APA Award for Outstanding Planning and Implementation for a Large Jurisdiction Award for the Capitol Park Neighborhood Plan
- 1997 Sacramento Valley Section of the California Chapter of the American Planning Association Recognition for the Capitol Area Plan Background Studies
- 2008 SMUD Green Power Leader
- 2003 Certificate of Accomplishment for Implementing a USEPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant at the Fremont Community Garden Site
Livability & Quality of Life
- 1998 Congressional Record in Appreciation of CADA for Revitalizing the Capitol Area and for Improving the Quality of Life for the Many Residents of Sacramento Who Live There
- 1997 Awahnee Community Livability Award for the Capitol Park Neighborhood Design Plan
Community Leadership
- 2005 Comstock’s Vanguard Award
- 1988 Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for Outstanding and Invaluable Service to the Community
Affordability, Accessibility & Fair Housing
- 2015 The Warehouse Artist Lofts (WAL) CADA project is names on of five finalists for the prestigious national Urban Land Institute Jack Kemp Award recognizing the nation’s top affordable housing project
- 2010 Regional Human Rights Fair Housing Commission Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Performance and Lasting Contributions
- 2004 AIA California Council Community Housing Assistance Award
- 1980 California Association of the Physically Handicapped Commends CADA’s Park Mansion Apartments for Substantial Contributions Made for the Betterment of People with Disabilities in Sacramento
- 1980 Resources for Independent Living Outstanding Achievement Award forPark Mansion Apartments