Creative crosswalks are among the set of improvements called for in the Envision O Street Concept Plan. The inclusion of creative crosswalks in the Plan initially came out of meetings with the O Street Steering Committee. This concept was tested during an outdoor pop-up workshop for the O Street Plan in June 2018. Over 300 people attended the event at 9th and O Streets. The most popular idea from the workshop was a creative crosswalk, which staff tested during a 9-hour window from 7 AM to 4 PM. There were zero collisions or pedestrian/driver conflicts during the pop-up creative crosswalk test.
Creative Crosswalks Case Studies:
CADA prepared Creative Crosswalks Case Studies to highlight key features of successful creative crosswalks that promote public safety and help eliminate all traffic fatalities and serious injuries, while also cultivating a sense of place and economic development.
CADA prepared the case studies through research and informational interviews with leaders from across the state who have installed creative crosswalks in their cities. Communities include Long Beach, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Monica, and West Hollywood.
Based on the report’s findings and the current status in Sacramento where the creative crosswalk concept has been tried in a few locations, the report recommends installing creative crosswalks through a segmented approach focusing on one intersection at a time. Additionally, the research suggests creative crosswalks should maintain the “transverse” or “continental” crosswalk markings. Crosswalk art should be added as a supplementary aesthetic feature using contrasting colors and a durable, retroreflective material. Where possible, the report also encourages the use of supplementary crossing facility enhancements such as pedestrian crossing signs, curb extensions, and lighting. Based on Federal guidelines, the safest and most effective crosswalks often use a combination of traffic control devices or design elements to inform both motorists and pedestrians.
A key take-away is that none of the jurisdictions studied have experienced any increases in accidents as a result of installing them, and in many cases the intersections were safer because of the addition of creative crosswalks. Further, none of the cities have been subject to a decline in Federal or State funding for transportation improvements as a result of installing creative crosswalks.
Next Steps:
CADA is working with the City of Sacramento Public Works Department in an effort to gain approval to install creative crosswalks at an intersection on O Street. Staff is also working with members of the Caltrans Walk/Bike Technical Advisory Committee to modernize and clarify State guidance on crosswalk art.
CADA Contact:
Renée Funston, Development Manager